Hi! I’m Meredith…owner/photographer here at Beach Photo and Beach Photo Weddings

You can scroll down and read the 3rd person biography below, but here are a few things you (might?) care to know about me that are a little more fun than the resume blurb:

I mom super hard—my amazing husband and I have four kids (2 boys and 2 girls!) and being mommy, mama, mom, stepmom, and occasionally bro (how does that even happen???) is everything to me. They are the best little people in the world and they make me a better person every single day. Our oldest isn’t little anymore, but he’s still the best. As mine grow from babies to tiny persons to little persons, I’d love to borrow any friends’ babies for an hour or two— or I can just photograph all that pint sized cuteness for you! Kids really are so much fun, I absolutely love working with them.

You might find me playing on the beach in Surf City looking for shark’s teeth (someday I WILL find a whole megalodon tooth), while my kids run around wildly with our pup Popcorn. She’s an aussie dog, is very fluffy, tries to herd our children, and is somewhat insane. We love our fluffy doggie so much though. I am also willing and able to photograph all of your furry babies too!

*Update* We now have a Great Pyr puppy —Marshmello! He is even fluffier and more insane than his sister dog. What were we thinking?!?

I don’t drink coffee at all— and often wonder if I should— but I probably am not going to start now.

I never met a French fry I didn’t love, but I try to temper my love of a fried potato with my love of quality salads. I’m a vegetarian drop out — a chicken biscuit and a BLT pulled me back in after almost a decade spent meat free— but I’m still a veggie lover at heart.

I’m an expert level planner of all the activities. My heart is happy when I have every future detail plotted out (my husband barely tolerates having so much of his time planned for him but he loves me anyway, thank goodness!). My planner instincts are very helpful for keeping the business organized and on track though!

I work extremely hard at my job. Sometimes I feel like I never stop working. The demands of owning a small business are great, but I am so grateful everyday that my work is a labor of love, and allows me to share my skills and talent with the world….which leads me to…

I’m an artist. I am an artist who is a photographer, and one who creates photographic art, but I will always and forever be an artist first. It is who I have always been, and it is how my brain works, and how I live. I know that if I couldn’t create beautiful works of art in some manner, my life would feel very hollow and unfulfilled.

As a corollary to being a visual artist, I believe with my whole heart that the finished art deserves life in the physical realm, not just in pixels on social media. Portraits are a perfect way to have art in your home that features you and your favorite people. Just like the old masters who painstakingly painted commissioned portraits for their clients, you deserve to have portrait art in on your walls too. 

Last but not least: 

It is absolutely my honor to photograph all of our amazing clients. These are your *memories* -and it is a really big deal to capture them.

Thank you so much for trusting me, and for supporting working artists!!


The official Bio:

Meredith is a wife and mom of 4, as well as an artist and photographer. She takes her craft seriously, and is always chasing a beautiful moment to frame. She has been photographing professionally for over 10 years, and has formal training in film and photography at both the collegiate level and post-college.

Meredith earned Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in both Studio Art and Art History, with concentrations in mixed media, photography, and non-western architecture. She is an Alcott Travel Recipient (religious architecture in India and Japan) and a Sharpe Scholar for excellence in visual fine art (mixed media photography and drawing).

Her work has been recognized and shown, but what makes her truly happy is when her clients love her images so much they treasure it for years to come in their own homes.

She takes the privilege of capturing your precious memories as seriously as she does her own.

XO Meredith-2.png

.  Inquires can be made at hello@beachphotonc.com

Find us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/beachphotonc/

Follow us on Instagram! @beachphotonc

For our wedding and engagement services, please visit: Beach Photo Weddings

Kind Words from one of our amazing clients!

Kind Words from one of our amazing clients!


Thanks to Curious Notions Photography for these treasured photos!